About ISO/TC127 international standards organization
ISO/TC127 technical committee on earthmoving machinery was established in 1968 with its secretariat at the American national institute of standards (ANSI). ISO/TC127 technical committee on earthmoving machinery is committed to meeting the requirements of the global standards for earthmoving machinery. The aim is to develop a complete set of ISO /TC127 standards that will serve as the basis for international standards and regulations.
ISO/TC127 currently has 22 full member states (P members) and 17 observer states (O members). Among the full members (P members), the main countries providing technology export are the United States, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Britain, France and Italy, and other important countries are China, India, Finland, Russia, South Korea, Brazil and Australia.
23 full members (P members) : Australia, Austria, belarus, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States.
Seventeen observers (O members) : Argentina, Bulgaria, Cuba, Denmark, Greece, Hong Kong, China, Hungary, Indonesia, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Tunisia and Turkey.
In 2008, the ISO/TC127 international technical committee on earthmoving machinery was awarded the ISO Lawrence d. Eicher leadership of the year award by the ISO conference.
The ISO Lawrence d. Eicher leadership of the year award is given annually to committees that have made outstanding contributions to standards innovation. The ISO/TC127 award was presented at the 31st ISO conference on 14 October 2008. In awarding the prize, Mr. Hakan Murby, then President of ISO, praised TC127 for developing 132 international standards, many of which have been adopted as national standards or cited in worldwide regulations, and for more than 50 work projects focusing on the ergonomics and safety of earthmoving machinery. He praised the TC127 for focusing on new technologies emerging from earthmoving machinery and promoting the participation of developing countries. TC127 is committed to the continuous development of standards, mainly by refining the project management process and adopting the best practices of other ISO committees in their respective areas of work.
The structure and composition of ISO
To date, ISO/T127 has published 167 ISO international standards for earthmoving machinery, including amendments, covering the areas of expertise of all four technical committees under ISO/T127.
The four sub-technical committees under ISO/T127 are:
SC1 test methods for safety and machine performance [secretariat: UK]
SC2 on safety, ergonomics and general requirements [secretariat: United States]
SC3 on machine characteristics, electrical and electronic systems, operations and maintenance [secretariat: Japan]
SC4 terms, business specifications, classifications and specifications [secretariat: Italy]
Note: China is a full member of ISO/TC127 SC01~SC04 (p-member).
Attach the ISO/T127 standards organization official introduction to https://www.iso.org/committee/52172.html
Introduction to the ISO/TC127 international standard revision procedure
Before launching a new standard project (NWI), there are two phases, each requiring a three-month voting period:
1. It is recommended to start new projects (a three-month voting period is required) :
2. Officially register the new standard project.
Note: experts necessary for the registration working group of cib are required to be responsible for the promotion of standard projects.
When the new work item (NWI) is approved, a working group on standards (WG) needs to be established to prepare the draft standard.
Note: new projects usually start with the WD draft; Revision items can skip the WD phase and start with the CD draft.
Both the WD and CD phases take three months, and the DIS phases take three to five months of voting and opinion cycles.
WG working group experts to resolve the DIS draft vote and prepare the final draft international standards for FDIS;
The FDIS vote is for final approval and editorial improvements only and will be used for publication.
All new ISO/TC127 standard projects will be coordinated by the chairman of ISO/TC127 and the order of work will be determined at the ISO/TC127 meeting.
序号 | 项目阶段 | 项目文件及成果 |
1 | 项目预期阶段 | 预期的新标准项目 【PWI】 |
2 | 项目提案阶段 | 新工作项目提案 【NWI】 |
3 | 项目准备阶段 | 工作草案 【WD】 |
4 | 委员会工作阶段 | 委员会草案 【CD】 |
5 | 意见处理阶段 | 询问性草案 【DIS】 |
6 | 项目批准阶段 | 最终版草案 【FDIS】 |
7 | 出版发行阶段 | ISO标准正式版 |